martes, 27 de noviembre de 2012


Just saw a report about immigrant Colombian girls in Chile. It talked about women who have  despicable jobs at night clubs and quite sad lives. They come here expecting to have a positive change in their lives but what they found here is nothing else but a bad quality life. Some of them said that they only came here in order to help financially to their families in their country.  I've personally talked with one of those girls at a pub, who worked as a bartender and she told me her story life, and how she spend her first days here in Chile. I couldn't believe it. It was pretty sad, and I think most of them have the same experience. Anyways, they do it to help, it's a noble thing to do and I admire that.
Well, this poem is inspired by them, hope you enjoy it!

A lady of the night looked at me,
she offered me a cup of a strange tea.
I accepted her gift kindly,
she walked away blindly.
Her eyes showed a deep sadness.

viernes, 9 de noviembre de 2012

Taking a nap


Well, long time ago I discovered naps. It was a cool thing to do. Whenever I returned tired to my house I used to spend all evening awake doing stuff like watching movies, TV, playing some games, hanging out with my neighborhood friends, etc. Once I returned to my house really tired and decided to rest a bit in my bed. As a matter of fact I didn't want to take a nap, I just laid in my bed and began to sleep smoothly. I went to bed at 15:00 o'clock together with a huge sun who was in front of my face. When I woke up, I realized it was almost 23:30 or something like that. After that, I couldn't sleep. And I was afraid because the next day I

lunes, 15 de octubre de 2012

Lily & Marshal (himym)

So, I was watching this chapter of “How I met your mother” (himym) in which a young couple was about to get married but failed to do it. It has a lot to be talked, according to me. Hope you like my thoughts and if not, feel free to argue!

About the chapter:

Few weeks before the wedding, Lily, wife of Marshal, decided to postulate secretly to an art course in other country. She did it this way because if she had been accepted she would have had to travel and cancel the wedding. Lily wanted to know if she could be accepted, since her dream was to be a painter. Situation that Marshal did not know. Once that Marshal realized of her acceptance, they had to broke up due to Lily's dream. Despite of their huge mutual love, they had different intentions. Finally, Lily choosed to take the course mercilessly and the wedding was cancelled, circumstance that would hurt Marshal real bad. Lily knew she would broke Marshal's heart and being aware of that she still went to the art course, destroying love between them. Over time, Lily recognized she made a mistake and returned to Marshal's house to ask for his forgiveness. Marshal kept his stance and said no to her, they had something and Lily did not care about it. 

My thoughts:

I can not understand why a person who is happily engaged would sacrifice everything just by simple whim. Moreover, why would she think she could return and expect all things to be like it used to be? She needs to accept the consequences and accept Marshal's attitude. What Marshal did was completely fine. I can figure out Lily's wish to do her own stuff, but obviously she did not think too much about it. Her individuality was quite unpredictable and finished with more than one disappointment. Maybe if she had give priority to more important things, the end would have been different.

Anyways, hope you could comprehend what I wrote.

jueves, 4 de octubre de 2012

Face of Melinda (OPETH)

Face of Melinda OPETH (6)

This is what I think of the song:

This is a song which talks about a guy whose beloved isn’t allowed to feel as he, though she
wants to. By reading the lyrics you can easily tell that the woman in this song is described as a
nun who is in love of her religion. Despite this unchangeable fact, the lover will continue with his
love demonstration. The girl shows that she wants to be with the man “my promise is made but
my heart is thine”, she can only be faithful to her vows. Knowing this, the lyrics are really harsh
towards the beloved. For example when he calls her a “harlot of God”, confirming also that he
hates or doesn’t like religion or god. Indeed her love is reciprocated but she wouldn’t be with the

lunes, 10 de septiembre de 2012

Obelix, Dog Story (5)

Main Character
Name: Obelix
Location: Puerto Montt
Gender: Male
Age: 10
Body Type: Big, wrinkled, scar,
Hair Color: Black color
Eye Color: Black
Breed: Bloodhound
Sense of Smell: Excellent smell sense.

Personality Traits:
Personality Traits: Charismatic, nice, lazy, forgetful, responsible, coward, stubborn, slow to comprehend, likes to help others.
Sense of Humor: Cheerful, sometimes sad,
Valued Qualities: Good intentions.
Ruled by: Instinct.

sábado, 1 de septiembre de 2012

Report (4)


Silent volcano
A report by Enzo Calquín

A girl's life gets affected by a volcanic eruption. The eruption erased many houses which were built with effort and work of several families, including the one of a young girl who just bought a new house with a huge loan. A lifetime going to trash while the lava burnt all the houses nearby. 
First of all, I wanted to know what happened to this little girl. Her answer was shocking. Her house, her car and everything that she had, was burned by the lava. She was alive, scared and exhausted by this incident. She could contact her family and they were in good conditions. They were going to a shelter thanks to the rescue team who had managed to save them in time. When I asked her about the rescue team, I knew that her situation in that moment was quite hopeless.

miércoles, 29 de agosto de 2012

Natural Disaster Interview (3)

Reporter: Enzo Calquín
Interviewee: Andrea Saldivia

Can you tell me what happened?
My house was completely burned by the lava. I saw my neighbours running so I started to run too, that’s what saved me. So here I am, alive but scared. I lost everything, my new house, my car!

Characater Description (Umbrella Man) (2)

The daughter in the story seems to be quite curious about life situations, just like the one she encountered when the old man started to interact with she and her mother. She is kind and gentle, at the same time naive. She is very worried about the old man health, she just want to help him no matter the consequences.

Creative Writing Workshop (1)

The Umbrella Man - Continuation of the story:

While we were standing there, alone in the rain and waiting for a taxi, my mother started to feel very nervous, almost as if she had seen a ghost. She took almost five seconds to get fully blushed due to the strange moment she was experiencing. I did not know what was happening. Out of nowhere, she showed me the umbrella that she was holding in her left hand. It was stained with dark blood. I saw my mother, she was petrified and scared, but I did not understand why that old man would give her an umbrella like that. I tried to ask her what was happening and she whispered: